General FAQs

Are there specific preferences for “human health” or are any topics allowed?

For TAC General, all proposals having near-term commercial potential are eligible. For DRF TAC, human health related proposals are considered.

Are topics under mental health also included?


How long will this Fund be open?

We are committed for this fiscal year next 2 years so far. We hope that there will be later cycles.

Can you review my budget in advance of the deadline?

TOV can do a preliminary review of the project budget up to one week before the deadline. Please reach out to us at

Does one PI have to be designated as lead?

Yes, a lead PI must be designated in Cayuse to administratively manage the award.

What is the review process?

We convene a review panel that has the relevant expertise to evaluate the pool of applications that we receive. In some cases we may reach out with questions or clarification.

What should I do if I’m having issues with submitting my application?

Please reach out to or contact Dan Abraham regarding this issue. Please include screenshots if available.

Eligibility FAQs

Are PIs from different departments within the same school eligible?


I am a PI from Tandon and planning to have a co-PI from GSoM. Are we eligible?

Yes, this fulfills the eligibility requirement. NYU GSoM researchers are permitted to be co-PIs and other key personnel. Please keep in mind:

  • The lead PI should have a primary appointment in NYU WSQ, SH, or AD
  • The funds can cover costs incurred by the PIs in NYU WSQ, SH and AD
  • Extramural funding proposals that result from this award are expected to be submitted through NYU WSQ, SH or AD
Are Long Island School of Medicine Faculty eligible for the Discovery Research Fund?

NYU LISOM researchers can serve as co-PIs and other key personnel. Extramural funding proposals that result from this award are expected to be submitted through NYU WSQ, SH or AD.

Can collaborators apply for and work on multiple projects on different teams in the same cycle?

Collaborators are permitted to participate in multiple applications in the same cycle. Investigators can be a Lead PI on one application and a co-PI on another application.

Can faculty submit more than one proposal at the same time?

One proposal per mechanism per Lead PI is allowed. PIs should not submit the same application to multiple mechanisms. There are no limits to the number of proposals on which you can be a co-PI.

Are research staff permitted to be PIs and can their salary be covered?

Please follow NYU guidelines on PI/PD status. Non-faculty, research personnel salary can be covered. Faculty salaries are limited to up to one month of summer salary under an Early Stage Research Award with appropriate Dean/Director approval and justification. Please review the guidelines under that mechanism.

Are external collaborators allowed?

Yes, external collaborators are permitted to have key/senior personnel roles. Please note, internal funds are required to stay within NYU WSQ, AD, and SH.

Use of Funds FAQs

Are subawards allowed?

No, funds are required to stay within NYU WSQ, AD, and SH.

Do any of these awards cover faculty effort/salary, or are they meant solely for research expenses and not personnel expenses?

Up to one month of faculty summer salary can be requested under the Early Stage Research Awards only. Appropriate justification and approvals by the department and school are required.

Can we use the funds to cover for Core Facilities at SOM? e.g. sequencing, mass-spectroscopy?

Funds will be awarded to the NYU WSQ, Shanghai and Abu Dhabi administrative units. Core facility costs at GSOM incurred by the PI at WSQ, Shanghai and Abu Dhabi can be paid with these funds.


For questions, please contact