Submitting a disclosure of your innovation to TOV is the first formal step in obtaining proper IP protection and commercializing your innovation. The innovation must be disclosed before any IP protection can be pursued. You are strongly encouraged to submit innovation disclosures early in the development process to avoid any potential problems and the loss of certain patent rights.

The disclosure is a confidential document that should fully describe your innovation so we can begin an assessment. A disclosure should be submitted well in advance if you are planning on presenting your innovation through publications, poster sessions, conferences, press releases, or other public communication.

Step 1: Access Disclosure Form

TOV is transitioning to a new online disclosure portal that enables users to submit an innovation disclosure electronically. At this time, NYU Langone Health employees can submit a disclosure through the portal by logging in using their Kerberos ID and password. We are working to make the portal accessible to all NYU employees as quickly as possible. All NYU employees have the option to submit an innovation disclosure by downloading the PDF version of the form and sending it to

Research Tool Disclosure

If you wish to disclose any research tools developed at NYU, please use the Research Tools Disclosure Form. Research tools may include, but are not limited to:

  • Genetically modified cell lines 
  • Microbes or animal models 
  • Plasmids 
  • Antibodies 
  • Software

Please read the guidelines within the form carefully before you begin. Completed Research Tools Disclosure Forms can be sent to

Step 2: Complete Disclosure Form

Fully describe your innovation and include any relevant supporting documents such as slide decks or manuscripts.

Step 3: Innovation Evaluation

After we receive your submission, a business development manager will be assigned to you and will reach out to acknowledge receipt of the disclosure and to discuss next steps.