TOV provides support and expertise for the commercialization of digital and creative works, including:
- Artwork
- Assessments and questionnaires
- Code, software, or apps
- Choreography
- Curriculum, including courses, workshops, or trainings
- Database, data sets, or simulations
- Games
- Informational websites
- Inventions and novel processes
- Know-how or other assets
- Literary works
- Maps or designs, historic or current
- Musical compositions
- Original works, such as:
- Artwork
- Choreography
- Literary works
- Musical compositions
- Plays
- Plant varieties (asexually produced)
- Resources or training guides
- Tools or calculation parameters
Disclose your Innovation
If you are an NYU innovator interested in commercializing your digital or creative work, disclose your innovation to TOV.
Intramural Funding Opportunities
TOV facilitates the Technology Acceleration and Commercialization Awards to support NYU innovations with high potential for commercialization through licensing or startup activity.
License NYU Innovations
See NYU creative and digital works available for licensing.